Python3 CheatSheet
By David Xiao
This post is my collection of python3 code snippets. It comes in handy when manipulating string and list.
single or double quoted string
In Python, such sequence of characters is included inside single or double quotes. There is no difference in single or double quoted string. Both can be used interchangeably.
Remove a few elements from the beginning
Slice out the first 2 elements and return the rest.
s = 'abcdef'
res = s[2:]
# res = 'cdef'
Remove a few elements from the end
Slice out the last 3 elements and return the rest.
s = 'abcdef'
res = s[:-3]
# res = 'abc'
Retrieve the first few elements only
s = 'abcdef'
res = s[:3]
# res = 'abc'
Retrieve the last few elements only
s = 'abcdef'
res = s[-3:]
# res = 'def'
Retrieve elements from the middle
s = '0123456789'
res = s[3:7]
# res = '3456'
Remove single element by zero-index
Remove ’d’ by its index: 3
If one-based position is given instead of zero-based index, convert from position to index. e.g.
index = position - 1
s = 'abcdef'
res = s[:3]+s[4:]
# res = 'abcef'
Remove multiple elements by zero-index
Remove 4 element by its index starting from index 3
s = ['0123456789']
start_index = 3
to_cut = 4
res = s[:start_index]+s[start_index+to_cut:]
# res = '012789'
# zero-index 4 to 7 are removed
Remove/Replace element by value
string version
s = 'abcdef'
res = s.replace('c', 'w') # replace 'c' with 'w'
# res = 'abwdef'
list version
s = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
res = s
pos = res.index('c')
pos = -1
if (pos != -1):
res.pop(pos) #remove 'c'
res.insert(pos, 'w') #replace with 'w'
# res = ['a', 'b', 'w', 'd', 'e', 'f']
convert string to list character-wise
s = 'abcdef'
# res = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
convert list to string
s = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
res = ''.join(s)
# res = 'abcdef'
Split string into word list
s = 'welcome to the jungle'
res = s.split()
# res = ['welcome', 'to', 'the', 'jungle']
Join words into a string with whitespace
s = ['welcome', 'to', 'the', 'jungle']
res = ' '.join(s)
# res = 'welcome to the jungle'
iterate list items to generate a new list
s = ['welcome', 'to', 'the', 'jungle']
res = [x*2 for x in s]
#res = ['welcomewelcome', 'toto', 'thethe', 'junglejungle']
swap case of a string (uppercase to lowercase and vice versa)
python provides a string function that does exactly that:
res = s.swapcase()
def swapcase(c):
if c.isupper():
return c.lower()
if c.islower():
return c.upper()
return c
s = 'Welcome To The Jungle'
res = [swapcase(x) for x in s]
res = ''.join(res)
# res = 'wELCOME tO tHE jUNGLE'
produce list or string in reverse order
both string and list
s = ['welcome', 'to', 'the', 'jungle']
res = s[::-1]
# res = ['jungle', 'the', 'to', 'welcome']
find all occurances in a string
s = 'welcome to to the jungle'
find_s = 'to'
find_len = len(find_s)
pointer = 0
while True:
index = s.find(find_s,pointer)
if index == -1:
print('found at index ', index)
pointer += index
pointer += find_len
# found at index 8
# found at index 11
replace all occurances in a string
s = 'welcome to to the jungle'
find_s = 'to'
replace_s = 'what'
res = s.replace(find_s, replace_s)
# res = 'welcome what what the jungle'
detect duplicate items in a list
method 1: loop
def has_dup(lst):
flag = 0
for i in range (len(lst)):
for j in range (i+1,len(lst)):
if (lst[i] == lst[j]):
flag = 1
if (flag == 1):
return True
return False
l=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# False
method 2: create a temp set
is a series of hashable objects, in a way it’s like dict
but the main difference between the two is that a dict item contains both key and value while a set item contains only key.
s = [1,2,3,1,5,1]
res = set(s)
if (len(s) == len(res)):
print('no duplicates found')
print('duplicates found')
# duplicates found
remove duplicate words in a string
def unique_list(l):
ulist = []
[ulist.append(x) for x in l if x not in ulist]
return ulist
s = 'calvin klein design dress calvin klein'
res = ' '.join(unique_list(s.split()))
# res = 'calvin klein design dress'
ROT13-like conversion over a string
Be aware ASCII code can be outside of printable range.
s = 'This is a plaintext message'
offset = 1
res = ''.join([chr(ord(c)+offset) for c in s])
# res = 'Uijt!jt!b!qmbjoufyu!nfttbhf'
Use regex to split complicated string into words
Compared to string.split() method, regex approach preserves separators in the result so that it’s possible to re-construct the original string from the result.
import re
s = 'Words, words, words. '
res=re.split('([,. ]+)', s) # '(...)' enables the matched separators preserved in the result list.
# res = ['Words', ', ', 'words', ', ', 'words', '. ', '']
Use regex to search a pattern
import re
s = 'Welcome to the jungle...'
match ='to +the +(\w+)', s)
if match:
res = # match 'to +the +(\w+)' as a whole
# res = 'to the jungle'
res = # match '(\w+)' portion
# res = 'jungle'
print('no match found')
count number of occurances of substring
string.count() approach
s = 'jungle and jungle and another jungle...'
res = s.count('jungle'))
# res = 3
regular expression approach
import re
s = 'Welcome to the jungle. It is a big jungle with many animals. Lion is the king of the jungle.'
match = re.findall('jungle', s)
if match:
res = len(match) # return a list of string
print('no match found')
escape string into html text
For HTML, it needs to escape the following:
s = 'escape html string <body>&</body>'
res = s.replace('&', '&').replace('>', '>').replace('<', '<')
# res = 'escape html string <body>&</body>'
Use global variable
maxlen = 0
def wordlength(x):
global maxlen # to access global variable within a function
if len(x) > maxlen:
maxlen = len(x)
s = 'unsafe html string <body>&</body>'
words = s.split()
[wordlength(x) for x in words]
# maxlen = 14
get both index and value when looping a list
for both string and list
s = 'abcdef'
for i, value in enumerate(s):
print ("index ", i, "value ", value)
create a list of empty items
res = [None]*4
# res = [None, None, None, None]
# Note this is different
res = ['']*4
# res = ['', '', '', '']
determine if a list is sorted
s = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
if (s == sorted(s)):
print("not sorted")
looping a dict
ages = {
"Peter": 10,
"Isabel": 11,
"Anna": 9,
"Thomas": 10,
"Bob": 10,
"Joseph": 11,
"Maria": 12,
"Gabriel": 10,
# loop to get all keys
for x in ages:
# loop to get all value
for x in ages:
# loop to get both keys and values
for name, age in ages.items():
print(name, age)
nested dict
students = {
"Peter": {"age": 10, "address": "Lisbon"},
"Isabel": {"age": 11, "address": "Sesimbra"},
"Anna": {"age": 9, "address": "Lisbon"},
for p_id, p_info in students.items():
print("\nPerson Name:", p_id)
for key in p_info:
print(key + ':', p_info[key])
find the max value in a dict and return the key
ages = {
"Peter": 10,
"Isabel": 11,
"Anna": 9,
"Thomas": 10,
"Bob": 10,
"Joseph": 11,
"Maria": 12,
"Gabriel": 10,
value = list(ages.values())
key = list(ages.keys())
print (key[value.index(max(value))])
# Maria
use nested list to cache multiplication results
matrix = []
for i in range(10): #0-9
row = []
for j in range(10): #0-9
def multiply(x,y):
return matrix[x][y]
return x*y
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